
Polizei sucht nach 13-Jähriger aus Peißenberg

The police in Germany are searching for a 13-year-old girl named Lisa from Peißenberg. The young girl was reported missing by her parents on Monday evening, and authorities have been working tirelessly to locate her.

According to reports, Lisa was last seen leaving her home around 3 p.m. on Monday. Her parents became worried when she did not return home as expected. They immediately contacted the police to report her missing, and a search operation was launched.

The police have been actively investigating the case and have been conducting interviews with family members, friends, and neighbors in an attempt to gather any information that may lead to Lisa’s whereabouts. A team of officers has also been searching different areas of the town, including parks and wooded areas, in the hopes of finding any clues that could help with the investigation.

The disappearance of a young girl is always a cause for concern, and the police are treating this case with utmost priority. They have urged anyone who may have information about Lisa’s disappearance to come forward and assist with the investigation. The police have also released a description of the girl and her last known outfit, hoping that someone may have seen her or knows something that could be vital in finding her.

The community of Peißenberg has been coming together to support Lisa’s family during this difficult time. Local residents have organized search parties and have been distributing flyers with information about the missing girl. They have been sharing information on social media platforms, hoping that it reaches as many people as possible and increases the chances of finding Lisa quickly.

The disappearance of a child is a heart-wrenching experience for any family, and the support from the community can provide some comfort during such a distressing time. It is heartening to see how the people of Peißenberg are rallying together to try and bring Lisa home safely.

In recent years, cases of missing children have gained significant media attention, which has led to greater awareness and quicker responses from authorities. The use of social media platforms has proven to be an effective tool in spreading information rapidly and reaching a larger audience. People from all over the region can now actively participate in the search efforts, sharing information, and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities.

Every minute counts when it comes to locating a missing child, and the police are leaving no stone unturned in their search for Lisa. They are working in close coordination with other law enforcement agencies and have reached out to the public for any assistance. The hope is that someone, somewhere, may have seen something or have information that could help find the young girl.

The search for Lisa is ongoing, and while the community anxiously awaits news of her whereabouts, her family remains hopeful for her safe return. They have asked for privacy during this difficult time and expressed their gratitude for the overwhelming support from the community and law enforcement.

In an age where news cycles move quickly and information is readily available, it is essential not to forget about missing children like Lisa. By spreading awareness and actively engaging in search efforts, individuals can play a vital role in reuniting families and bringing hope to those who need it most. The police’s search for Lisa continues, and with each passing day, the hope of finding her safe and sound remains steadfast.

  1. Startpagina
  2. Lokale bevolking
  3. Weilheim
  4. Peissenberg


De vermiste is in huis. © Foto: Polizei

Een 13-jarige is in de nacht van de nacht op de woning in Eltern in Peißenberg verschwunden. De politie begon een zware operatie uit te voeren, maar die bishige zoals met meer zwaar verkeer en druk verkeer ging door.

Update 18:50 uur: Iedereen die aangifte deed, werd tijdens zijn verblijf in Murnau onbeheerd achtergelaten en bleef tijdens zijn verblijf achter.

Dringende melding vanaf 13.50 uur:

Peissenberg – De agenten van de politie-inspectie van Weilheim zijn verantwoordelijk voor hun veiligheid en beveiliging. Na nog eens 13 jaar in Peißenberg zijn ze nog steeds verkrijgbaar. U leeft ‘s nachts in de nacht en brengt enige tijd door in uw toekomstige leefomgeving, anders wordt u hier op de hoogte gebracht, zodat de politie u kan informeren. Met vriendelijke groet, je bent blij met je liefde.

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We kunnen met trots zeggen dat meer politie-inspanningen en politieagenten niet gefinancierd konden worden. “Over de zorg voor de slachtoffers en de mogelijke bescherming van de slachtoffers is er geen erkenning van hen”, schrijven we over de informatie over de politie in Weilheim over de informatie over de stoffelijke resten van de vermisten. Heeft u vragen over de politie-inspectie in Weilheim, laat het ons weten onder telefoonnummer 0881/6400.

Nike Gymnastiek en Dunkelblauer hoodie

De politie is verwijderd en er is een foto van de vermiste personen vrijgegeven. Het is veranderd, vanwege de 13-jarige spijkerbroek en een dunne blauwe cape-trui (hoodie) met blauw opschrift. Daarom hebben wij geen grijze of zwarte softshelljas, dus dat is ook weer het beleid. Het is veranderd, dat is de Mädchen met andersom.

Nog meer politierapporten ontdek het in een blanco Blaulichtticker, die permanent wordt bijgewerkt.

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