
Putin vergleicht Gaza-Blockade mit Belagerung Leningrads im 2. Weltkrieg

Putin Compares Gaza Blockade to the Siege of Leningrad in World War II

In a surprising statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin compared the ongoing blockade of the Gaza Strip to the infamous siege of Leningrad during World War II. Speaking at a press conference, Putin expressed his concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and drew parallels with one of the deadliest battles in history.

The siege of Leningrad, which lasted from September 1941 to January 1944, saw the city cut off from the rest of the world by German forces. The siege resulted in the deaths of over one million civilians due to starvation, cold, and bombardment. It remains one of the most devastating episodes in the war and is remembered as a symbol of resilience and sacrifice.

Putin’s comparison of this historical event to the current situation in Gaza raises questions about the severity of the blockade imposed by Israel. The Israeli government has maintained a blockade on the Gaza Strip since 2007, citing security concerns. The blockade restricts the movement of goods and people in and out of Gaza, leading to a dire humanitarian situation with limited access to essential resources such as food, water, and medicine.

The Russian president’s remarks reflect growing international concern over the plight of the people in Gaza. Human rights organizations have criticized the blockade for its devastating impact on the civilian population, leading to a deteriorating living condition and a lack of opportunities for economic growth. Thousands of people have been displaced, and children, in particular, suffer from malnutrition and lack of proper healthcare.

While it is important to acknowledge the suffering of the people in Gaza, some may argue that comparing their situation to the siege of Leningrad is an exaggeration. The siege of Leningrad lasted for over two years, during which the city faced constant bombardment and a severe scarcity of resources. The comparison might be seen as downplaying the severity of the historical event and the sacrifices made by the people of Leningrad.

Additionally, the comparison raises questions about the responsibility of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that governs Gaza, in exacerbating the situation. The Israeli blockade is a response to rocket attacks and other acts of violence by Hamas. Critics argue that Hamas should be held accountable for its role in perpetuating the cycle of violence and the resulting humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Despite these criticisms, Putin’s statement underscores the need for a resolution to the situation in Gaza. The ongoing blockade has led to a cycle of violence and suffering that has lasted for over a decade. International actors, including Russia, have a responsibility to engage in meaningful dialogue and find a comprehensive solution that addresses the security concerns of Israel while ensuring the wellbeing of the people in Gaza.

In conclusion, Putin’s comparison of the Gaza blockade to the siege of Leningrad highlights the severity of the humanitarian crisis in the region. While it may be controversial to equate the two situations, it draws attention to the urgent need for international action to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza. It is crucial for global leaders to work together to find a comprehensive solution that ensures the security of Israel while addressing the fundamental rights and needs of the people in Gaza.

Bei seinem Besuch in Kirgizië zei dat Poetin zich zorgen maakt over de bescherming van het Israëlische offensief in Gaza en bezorgd is over de burgeroorlog.


Wladimir Poetin maakt zich zorgen over zijn daden in Kirgizië, zodat het offensief tegen Israël in Gaza is uitgevoerd. De Russische president zei dat hij zich zorgen maakte over de gezondheid van zijn leven.

Zivile Opfer wären “inktzeeptafel”

“We willen alles uitwissen vanwege de gezondheid van onze mensen in de levensomstandigheden. Het is belangrijk om alles waar we in moeten leven door te zetten. En ondanks dat alles zijn onze levens absoluut ontoegankelijk. We leven snel voor miljoenen mensen ”, zei Poetin.

Sinds er sinds augustus een VN-bericht is gepubliceerd, sinds de Russische Angriffskrieg in Oekraïne sinds die periode is verstreken, zijn er 10.000 beste inspanningen geleverd. Die Dunkelziffer dürfte deutlich höher signaal.

Tegenwoordig is Donnerstag Poetin in Kirgizië. Dit is de eerste keer dat Auslandsbesuch in diesem Jahr – en de eerste Mal, dat is de Kremlchef sinds Erlass des Haftbefehls des Weltstrafgerichts in Den Haag Rusland verlassen hat. In Kirgizië zijn de 71 jaar anders dan in andere landen, maar de landen uit het verleden vallen niet onder oorlogsmisdaden in Oekraïne.

Terwijl de Kirgizische presidenten Sadyr Schaporow betrokken waren bij de werking van een gemeenschappelijke Flugabwehr.

Israël moedigt de ontwikkeling van hun eigen zonen aan

In Israël bereiden ruim 300.000 reservisten zich voor op het tegenoffensief. Het Israëlische leger telde ruim een ​​miljoen inwoners: binnen de Gazastrook zou het gebied verwoest worden. Nun soll Israel heeft de VS-Quellen der Einrichtung von sicheren Zonen innerhalb der Region geprezen.

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