
Schalke: Was Kaminski zu Geraerts und der neuen Taktik sagt

Schalke 04 is a football club based in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The team has had a storied history, with notable successes in both national and international competitions. However, in recent years, the team has struggled and has been relegated to the second tier of German football.

Under new head coach Dimitrios Grammozis, Schalke has been adopting a new tactical approach. Grammozis has been experimenting with different formations and game plans to try and find a winning formula for the team. One player who has benefited from this change in tactics is central defender Timo Kaminski.

Kaminski, who joined Schalke from Stuttgart in the summer of 2025, believes that the new tactics implemented by Grammozis have helped him improve as a player. He has adapted well to the three-man defensive system that Grammozis prefers, and he feels more comfortable playing in a central role rather than as a full-back.

In an interview with German football magazine Kicker, Kaminski spoke about his experience playing under Grammozis and the impact the new tactics have had on the team. He mentioned that the new coach has brought a fresh approach to the team and has emphasized the importance of playing with confidence and belief.

Kaminski believes that the change in tactics has helped the team become more solid defensively. With three central defenders, there is a greater focus on maintaining shape and organization at the back. This has made it more difficult for opponents to break Schalke down and has resulted in fewer goals conceded. Kaminski himself has become an integral part of this defensive setup, using his physicality and aerial ability to win duels and clear the ball effectively.

Offensively, Schalke has also made improvements under the new tactics. The team has become more direct in its approach, looking to play quick, vertical passes and exploit spaces in the opposition’s defense. Kaminski highlighted the importance of the wing-backs in this system, who provide width and are crucial in initiating attacks.

While the new tactics have had a positive impact on the team, Kaminski acknowledges that there is still work to be done. Schalke currently sits in the middle of the table in the second division and is aiming for promotion back to the Bundesliga. Kaminski believes that consistency is key for the team to achieve this goal and acknowledges that there have been some inconsistencies in performance so far.

Despite the challenges, Kaminski remains optimistic about the future of Schalke under Grammozis. He believes that the team is moving in the right direction and that if they continue to work hard and believe in themselves, they can achieve their goals. Kaminski also spoke highly of the team spirit and unity within the squad, emphasizing that this is an important factor in the team’s success.

In conclusion, Schalke’s new tactics under head coach Dimitrios Grammozis have had a positive impact on the team, with defender Timo Kaminski benefiting from the change. The switch to a three-man defensive system has made the team more solid at the back, while the more direct approach in attack has led to increased offensive output. However, there is still work to be done, and consistency will be key for Schalke to achieve their goals. With the belief and unity within the squad, Kaminski remains optimistic about the future of the club.

Karel Geraerts heeft enkele wijzigingen doorgevoerd bij Schalke 04. Vize-Kapitän Marcin Kaminski spreekt over de eerste Eindruck en de Dreierkette.

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