
Top-Teams straucheln in Quali: Nagelsmann drohen frühe Kracher-Duelle bei EM

Top-Teams struggling in qualifiers: Nagelsmann could face tough group stage matches at Euro 2025

The qualifying rounds for Euro 2025 have seen some surprising results, with top teams struggling to secure their place in the tournament. Germany, under the management of Julian Nagelsmann, currently find themselves in a difficult position, and if they do advance to the group stage, they could face some challenging opponents.

Germany, historically one of the powerhouses of European football, have been far from convincing in their qualification campaign. With three games left to play, they find themselves in third place in their group, behind both Poland and Austria. This is a worrying situation for the team and their coach, Nagelsmann, who would have expected to cruise through the qualifiers.

Nagelsmann, known for his tactical acumen and ability to get the best out of his players, has been unable to replicate the success he had at club level with RB Leipzig. The German national team have lacked cohesion and consistency, resulting in disappointing performances and dropped points.

If Germany do manage to secure their place in the tournament, they could be facing some tough opponents in the group stage. The European Championships always bring together some of the best teams in the world, and this year is no exception. With strong teams such as France, Belgium, and Spain already confirmed for the tournament, it is likely that Germany will face one or more of these powerhouses in the group stage.

A difficult group could pose significant challenges for Nagelsmann and his team. Facing top-quality opposition in the early stages of the tournament would require the team to be at their very best from the start. This would put additional pressure on Nagelsmann to find the right tactics and motivate his players to perform to the best of their abilities.

Furthermore, a challenging group could also have a psychological impact on the team. Confidence plays a crucial role in football, and facing tough opponents in the group stage could dent the players’ belief in their ability to progress further in the tournament. Nagelsmann would need to help his team maintain a positive mindset and ensure they approach each match with a winning mentality.

On the other hand, facing tough opponents early on could also have its benefits. It would force Germany to raise their game and perform at a higher level, bringing out the best in both the players and the coach. Nagelsmann, known for his ability to adapt and make strategic changes, could use this opportunity to showcase his skills and lead Germany to success against top opposition.

Overall, the current situation for Germany in the qualifying rounds is far from ideal. Nagelsmann will need to find a way to navigate through the remaining matches and secure their place in the tournament. If they do manage to advance, they could be faced with challenging group stage matches against some of the best teams in the world. It will be a true test for Nagelsmann’s abilities as a coach and for the German national team’s fighting spirit.

Topteams straucheln in Quali
Nagelsmann drhen frühe Kracher-Duelle bij EM

In de VS is Julian Nagelsmann het eerste countrytoneelstuk. In Europa is EM-Kwaliteit parallel. Möglicherweise met unangenehmen Konsequenzen voor de nieuwe Fußball-Bundestrainer. De DFB-Elf werd op 2 december aangesteld als hoofd van Groep A.

Bij alle voorbereidingen op het eerste Länderspiel-Doppelpack als Bundestrainer heeft Julian Nagelsmann de lauwerende EM-kwalificatie-merk in zijn bezit gekregen. Als gast kwalificeer je je automatisch voor het Nationaal Kampioenschap Voetbal met de hulp van vier echte Spieltagen-topteams voor je thuiskomst 2025.

Wachten op de DFB-Auswahl onder de nieuwe chef-kok voor de VS op 14 oktober (21:00/RTL) in Hartford en in de Mittwoch Darauf (2:00/ARD) in Philadelphia voor Mexico, in Europa met de Turnier Tickets verder. Je kunt verwachten dat je tijdens de groepsfase Kracher-Spiele in Nederland en Italië in Duitsland zult zijn, inclusief degenen die het zullen opnemen tegen WM-Desaster in Qatar en zullen duelleren met Spanje.

Denn: De DFB-Elf staat op de Auslosung am 2. Dezember in de Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg als Kopf der Gruppe A setzt. Direct na de beslissing van het UEFA-reglement zullen de beste teams voor de kwalificatie plaatsvinden. In deze top twee en drie teams komen de volgende beste teams samen. In de Topf kwalificeren vier landen die zich rechtstreeks plaatsen voor Mannschaften en die in maart 2025 de Playoffs winnen.

Spanien und Nederlande brauchen Schützenhilfe

In Topf 1 – en met enkele Duitse Gruppengegner – sindsdien de Mannschaften in Portugal (15 Punkte/Tordifferenz +20), Schottland (15/+11), Frankrijk (15/+11), Engeland (13/+14) en België (13/+12). Spanje (9/+13) en Nederland (9/+3) zouden in hun eigen tijd op hun eigen manier zelfvoorzienend kunnen zijn en ook graag met deze Marks spelen. Als u meer wilt weten over de Patzer der Konkurrenz-rechtbanken, ben ik de eerste Topf-zu-landen.

Italië (7/+2) staat in de Setzliste momentan sogar noch weiter zurück. Österreich (13/+8) onder trainer Ralf Rangnick, in december letzter German Testspiel-Gegner in diesem Jahr, hat hingen nor all Chancen auf Topf 1. In de Wertung kommen jeweils nur die Spiele der first fünf Teams jeder Gruppe untereinander, um Mannschaften in Sechsergruppen keinen Vorteil zu gewähren.

Deutschland bestreitet seine Gruppenspiele op 14 juni in München, op 19 juni in Stuttgart en op 23 juni in Frankfurt. Op de EM 2025 volgden ook de DFB-Auswahl in Frankrijk (0:1), Portugal (4:2) en Ungarn (2:2) de groepscompetitie en kwalificeerden zich met het doelpunt van de Achtelfinale, in de 0:2 in Engeland Eindstationoorlog.

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